Laurie Tuttle Dog Training

                                   A Well Trained Dog Starts at the Human end of the leash.

Canine Behavioral Services and Dog Training:

Laurie Tuttle CPDT-KA

Phone:  219-776-7312:  Please leave a message!


Laurie Tuttle, CPDT-KA

Certified Professional Dog Trainer

© Copyright 2015-2024 Laurie Tuttle Dog Training LLC

Laurie Tuttle Dog Training LLC

Dothan, AL

ONLINE SERVICES  are available for anyone living in the

United States.

Phone: (219) 776-7312

Website Building Application

Contact Me...

Please take a good look around the website, there are a lot of good details to go over.

Questions? Want to get started?

Best way to contact me if is to call!


You MUST leave a message if I am not able to answer.

Between traveling and working with clients I am not always available to answer the phone.  

During busy times - It may take up to 24 hours for me to contact you back. Please be patient. Thank you

Email messages unfortunately consume a lot of our time.

Please consider calling before emailing us.

Thank you!

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